Pricing tables

Easily create pricing grids with custom columns, coloring, CTA’s and much more!


Get a free domain name and custom cookies delivered to your door every month.


10GB Disk Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth
20 Email Accounts
Unlimited subdomains


Get a free domain name and 24/7 customer support & month of free bandwidth.

$30 /mo

10GB Disk Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth
20 Email Accounts
Unlimited subdomains


Get a free domain name and 24/7 customer support & design consultation & premium support

$49.99 /mo

10GB Disk Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth
20 Email Accounts
Unlimited subdomains


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10GB Disk Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth
20 Email Accounts
Unlimited subdomains


Most Popular

$30 /mo

10GB Disk Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth
20 Email Accounts
Unlimited subdomains


Good Value

$49.99 /mo

10GB Disk Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth
20 Email Accounts
Unlimited subdomains


Get a free domain name and custom cookies delivered to your door every month.


10GB Disk Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth


Get a free domain name and 24/7 customer support & month of free bandwidth.

$30 /mo

10GB Disk Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth

1-6 Columns. Completely Variable.

Cras sagittis dignissim leo, vel mollis ligula malesuada vitae. Donec tempus, mi quis auctor lobortis, dui odio convallis sapien, eget venenatis purus est facilisis ante. Vivamus vulputate augue metus, eget tempus justo tincidunt ut. Pellentesque tempus, dolor ac rhoncus gravida, dolor tellus imperdiet ex, a tristique nisl arcu varius mi.

Suspendisse fringilla tortor mauris, ac commodo purus tristique in. Curabitur feugiat est non tempus facilisis. Nam faucibus dui eu mi interdum venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi id lobortis enim, nec molestie nulla. Aenean maximus ante id lectus vestibulum, non mattis erat hendrerit.